“Morning Meeting” usually sparks two images: students stilling on the floor singing a cute welcome song, and the day’s calendar and weather review. These are both great activities for Morning Meeting, BUT they don’t really have an upper elementary vibe. If I asked my 5th graders to come to sit on the carpet to sing our “good morning song”, I’m pretty sure I’d lose them. To make Morning Meetings work in upper elementary classrooms, we need to tweak activities and add meaningful, engaging tasks that suit their developmental needs. Discover practical tips and ideas in the full blog—read now!
Read MoreLet's dish! Today I am sharing with you the 10 teaching secrets to know before you begin this school year. These secrets will boost your confidence in teaching, and will help you become comfortable with your teaching skills.
Read MoreSwitching grade levels can be a stressful and challenging time for any teacher- especially if they are doing a big jump between grades. Today I am sharing with you some tips and tricks on how you can best prepare to switch grade levels and make the most of the new school year!
Read MoreStudents hate not to have choices in their Daily 5 activities. Having a handful of fun activities for students to choose from helps them feel independent and engaged. Let's talk about 5 activities you can use that your students won't hate and will ask for over and over again! Making efficient, easy reading stations can be a teacher's saving grace. Having easy, automatic routines that keep students engaged helps to build classroom management and efficiency.
Read MoreAhhh summer vacation. I’d be lying to you if I told you I didn’t love those two glorious months. I also LOVE my job as a teacher, but nothing beats two months of having time away from school to recharge your teacher batteries. I find I’m a better teacher if I have that time away and I’m able to think through all the things I want to do differently.
Read MoreIt’s no secret that being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You give everything to your students and have zero energy when you get home. The last thing a teacher wants to do after teaching all day is go work as an Uber driver or bartender all night. What if there was a way for you to use skills you already have to make extra money and didn’t have to spend all your free time doing it? Well keep on reading because I’ve got 5 ways for teachers to boost your income as a teacher.
Read MoreWe’ve all made mistakes in teaching. The longer you stay in teaching, the likelihood of a feeling of regret or that you’d do something different is bound to happen. About a year ago on my other YouTube channel, I made a video called 10 Mistakes I’ve Made Teaching. I wanted to update the list after reflecting on a year of teaching online and also letting things go. If we’re not learning from our mistakes, how can we be growing? I think it’s helpful to see mistakes other teachers have made so you don’t feel like you’re the only one. I hope that after you read my mistakes, you’ll avoid them and also not feel so alone if you’ve made any similar mistakes!
Read MoreIt’s the end of the school year and teachers love to give their students an end of the year gift. I teach first grade and always look forward to giving my students something useful and memorable. If you’re anything like me, then you try to avoid giving your already hyper elementary students more candy.
Read MoreIf you’re thinking about changing schools then you’re in the right place! Changing schools can be scary but it doesn’t have to be. This coming school year, I’m not only changing schools but I’m moving from first grade to fifth grade! When I switched schools back in 2019, I stayed in a grade I was comfortable with: kindergarten. I was moving from a lottery school to a Title One school, and I wasn’t ready to switch grade levels and move schools at the same time.
Read MoreI want to share with you my top 5 tips for switching schools as a teacher. As an elementary teacher in a public school, I know how scary it can be to want to switch schools let alone actually doing it. If you haven’t heard my teacher burnout story, you can watch that video here. One of the ways I overcame teacher burnout was switching schools. If you’re dealing with burnout, go watch that video.
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