Posts tagged Teaching
How to Make Reading Stations More Easy and Efficient

Students hate not to have choices in their Daily 5 activities. Having a handful of fun activities for students to choose from helps them feel independent and engaged. Let's talk about 5 activities you can use that your students won't hate and will ask for over and over again! Making efficient, easy reading stations can be a teacher's saving grace. Having easy, automatic routines that keep students engaged helps to build classroom management and efficiency.

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3 Things All Teachers Should Do Over The Summer

Ahhh summer vacation. I’d be lying to you if I told you I didn’t love those two glorious months. I also LOVE my job as a teacher, but nothing beats two months of having time away from school to recharge your teacher batteries. I find I’m a better teacher if I have that time away and I’m able to think through all the things I want to do differently.

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5 Ways To Make More Money As A Teacher

It’s no secret that being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You give everything to your students and have zero energy when you get home. The last thing a teacher wants to do after teaching all day is go work as an Uber driver or bartender all night. What if there was a way for you to use skills you already have to make extra money and didn’t have to spend all your free time doing it? Well keep on reading because I’ve got 5 ways for teachers to boost your income as a teacher.

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7 Mistakes I’ve Made Teaching

We’ve all made mistakes in teaching. The longer you stay in teaching, the likelihood of a feeling of regret or that you’d do something different is bound to happen. About a year ago on my other YouTube channel, I made a video called 10 Mistakes I’ve Made Teaching. I wanted to update the list after reflecting on a year of teaching online and also letting things go. If we’re not learning from our mistakes, how can we be growing? I think it’s helpful to see mistakes other teachers have made so you don’t feel like you’re the only one. I hope that after you read my mistakes, you’ll avoid them and also not feel so alone if you’ve made any similar mistakes!

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I’m Switching to Fifth Grade: How I’m Changing Schools AND Grade Levels

If you’re thinking about changing schools then you’re in the right place! Changing schools can be scary but it doesn’t have to be. This coming school year, I’m not only changing schools but I’m moving from first grade to fifth grade! When I switched schools back in 2019, I stayed in a grade I was comfortable with: kindergarten. I was moving from a lottery school to a Title One school, and I wasn’t ready to switch grade levels and move schools at the same time.

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How To Switch Schools As A Teacher

I want to share with you my top 5 tips for switching schools as a teacher. As an elementary teacher in a public school, I know how scary it can be to want to switch schools let alone actually doing it. If you haven’t heard my teacher burnout story, you can watch that video here. One of the ways I overcame teacher burnout was switching schools. If you’re dealing with burnout, go watch that video.

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Get Creative Teaching Writing Using a Class Pet for Engagement

So you’re thinking about getting a class pet?! Congratulations! Your students are going to love having a class pet. If you missed last week’s blog post, I broke down the best classroom pets that are low maintenance. One of the things that held me back for YEARS from getting a class pet was the dreaded feeling of taking care of something else in addition to my long day as an elementary teacher. Once I got over that, I found the joy having a class pet brought my first graders and I’ve never looked back.

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