Posts tagged Teacher business
3 Things All Teachers Should Do Over The Summer

Ahhh summer vacation. I’d be lying to you if I told you I didn’t love those two glorious months. I also LOVE my job as a teacher, but nothing beats two months of having time away from school to recharge your teacher batteries. I find I’m a better teacher if I have that time away and I’m able to think through all the things I want to do differently.

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5 Ways To Make More Money As A Teacher

It’s no secret that being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs in the world. You give everything to your students and have zero energy when you get home. The last thing a teacher wants to do after teaching all day is go work as an Uber driver or bartender all night. What if there was a way for you to use skills you already have to make extra money and didn’t have to spend all your free time doing it? Well keep on reading because I’ve got 5 ways for teachers to boost your income as a teacher.

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Teach Summer School or Tutor: Which Pays More?

When I first started teaching, I didn’t understand how teachers could say no to summer school. The money seemed so good! Four years into teaching summer school, I realized why other teachers were saying no. Your summer is taken up, the pay isn’t great and you just need a break! When I started tutoring, I realized I could have control over my schedule and my income. Keep on reading because I’m going to break down which one pays more: teaching summer school or tutoring!

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How A Teachers Pay Teachers Product Helped Me Win A Bird Watching Trip

A few years ago my dad encouraged me to set up a bird feeder outside the window of my then kindergarten classroom. The window was ideal because it was at ground level and was easy to open. I agreed and he made a bird feeder for me with a platform that would be easy to feed the birds as well as observe them. I quickly learned my kindergartners were crazy about bird watching!

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