Posts tagged Fifth grade
I’m Switching to Fifth Grade: How I’m Changing Schools AND Grade Levels

If you’re thinking about changing schools then you’re in the right place! Changing schools can be scary but it doesn’t have to be. This coming school year, I’m not only changing schools but I’m moving from first grade to fifth grade! When I switched schools back in 2019, I stayed in a grade I was comfortable with: kindergarten. I was moving from a lottery school to a Title One school, and I wasn’t ready to switch grade levels and move schools at the same time.

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How To Switch Schools As A Teacher

I want to share with you my top 5 tips for switching schools as a teacher. As an elementary teacher in a public school, I know how scary it can be to want to switch schools let alone actually doing it. If you haven’t heard my teacher burnout story, you can watch that video here. One of the ways I overcame teacher burnout was switching schools. If you’re dealing with burnout, go watch that video.

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