Posts tagged Daily 5
Women’s History Month Activities for Kids: Integrating Social Studies Standards into Literacy Centers

I’m a complete nerd for thematic units. Thematic units are my all-time favorite hack for boosting student engagement, which is why I always look forward to Celebrating Women's History Month. It’s the perfect opportunity to introduce students to brave, trailblazing women who changed history - the perfect way to peak engagement during a time of year when student productivity seems to be at an all-time low. And here’s the best part, this is all possible without adding more to your plate

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Tips for Adding New Students to Literacy Center Stations

New student starting TOMORROW. Cue the feelings of panic, overwhelm, and excitement. When a new student joins your class mid-year, it can feel like someone tossing a pebble into a perfectly calm pond.  Because there’s just so much to do! Yes, it can feel overwhelming But here’s the thing, it’s about making sure that new students feel like they belong from the moment they walk in. With a few thoughtful strategies, you can be ready for that moment before it even happens. Pre-planning new student activities for your classroom and literacy centers helps streamline this process and ensures that everyone feels prepared and included. So, let’s talk about how to make that happen.

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Black History Month Activities for Literacy Centers

Yes, February is the shortest month of the year, but it’s BURSTING with holidays! Groundhogs Day. Valentine’s Day. President’s Day. Just to name a few… These holidays bring opportunities to reignite excitement and engagement in your literacy centers! Incorporating Black History Month activities into your literacy blocks isn’t just about covering your literacy standards—it’s about celebration and reflection. It’s a chance to honor the voices, contributions, and resilience of Black individuals who have shaped our nation’s history. So, how can we make this meaningful and engaging for our students?

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Mid-Year Classroom Reset: How to Improve Your Daily 5 Centers

Let’s face it… teaching isn’t a “set it and forget it” type of job. Systems that worked beautifully in September might not hold up as your students’ needs evolve.  And with so much of the year still ahead, it’s worth checking in and reflecting to ensure routines and expectations you set aren’t just surviving - but thriving.  “Something needs to change…but where do I START?” It starts with REFLECTION.  Reflecting on current Daily 5 expectations, systems, and routines can uncover valuable insight into what’s working and what needs addressing in your mid-year classroom reset.

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Ignite Creativity with Winter-Themed Writing Activities

There is something magical about the winter months. The frosted, snow-covered landscape, the excitement and magic that its holidays bring.  But these months can also be so frustrating.   At this point of the year, our students’ focus starts to dwindle, and the motivation they once had is minimal, all of which can make for a frustrating experience…The answer? Winter-themed writing activities!

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How to Improve Reading Stamina in the New Year

A room of students actively independently reading, isn’t THAT every teacher’s dream? Just picture it - all of your students are focused and productive, and you can meet with Book Club groups uninterrupted. Giving students time to independently read - no matter the age of students - is met with mixed emotions.  Some teachers love it, and for some teachers, managing it is extremely overwhelming. Improving reading stamina isn’t just about improving focus and productivity (and saving your sanity). Building and improving reading stamina is a tool to unlock deeper comprehension and build confidence in applying literacy skills they’ve learned.

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Reorganizing Your Literacy Block for Success in the New Year!

Somehow, the routines and expectations we set at the beginning of the year seem to go right out the window during December.  The interruptions, changes of routine, and excitement of the upcoming days off can leave us to pick our battles as we work to ensure that the weeks leading up to the holiday break are fun for our students without causing ourselves to feel overwhelmed. Returning from the long holiday break is the perfect time to get your literacy block back on track! Learn how to revamp your literacy block to ensure that the second half of the school year is productive and stress-free!

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How to Incorporate Handwriting Instruction in the Classroom Daily

Every minute of the day is accounted for because there’s so much to fit in! And because time is so tight, if a lesson takes more time than I planned or our students come in 5 minutes late from recess, somethings gotta give…And it usually ends up being handwriting practice. But it’s not a lost cause! By finding creative and manageable ways to incorporate handwriting instruction into your daily classroom routine, it is possible to enhance your literacy outcomes without overloading your day.

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Keep Students Engaged During the Holidays: A Guide to Surviving December in the Classroom

December - by far - has to be the most challenging month as a teacher. This time of year is BUSY! There’s also so much going on!  Practices for holiday performances, special events and projects, and don’t forget about the holiday party! With the upcoming break,  students seem more unmotivated than ever.  So how do you keep your students motivated during the holiday season without overwhelming yourself?  Let’s explore some ways to reignite your student’s motivation and engagement to help you survive December with your sanity intact!

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How to Use Elf on the Shelf in the Classroom for Engaging Holiday Writing Activities

I love adding a little thematic flair to my Daily 5 activities. With Christmas just around the corner, now is the perfect time to add a little holiday cheer to your literacy block. What’s my favorite way to add some Christmas spirit to my writing centers? Elf on the Shelf! With some careful planning and purposeful activities this holiday tradition can be productive and fun for both you and your students!

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