5 Ways To Make More Money As A Teacher

5 ways to make more money as a teacher

5 ways to boost your teaching income

It’s no secret that being a teacher is one of the hardest jobs in the world.  You give everything to your students and have zero energy when you get home.   The last thing a teacher wants to do after teaching all day is go work as an Uber driver or bartender all night.  What if there was a way for you to use skills you already have to make extra money and didn’t have to spend all your free time doing it?  Well keep on reading because I’ve got 5 ways for teachers to boost your income as a teacher.

Tutoring makes the best teacher side-hustle

Tutoring makes the best teacher side-hustle

Tutoring is the best teacher side-hustle there is.  You get to use skills you already have as a teacher and align your business with your classroom.

What would this year be like if you finally started the online tutoring business of your dreams?

What if I told you that it didn’t have to be all or nothing.  You don’t have to leave the classroom behind just to make more money.  You see, we live in a world where people only present us with two choices.  I truly believe you can have all the choices you desire when you become the CEO of your own life.

Starting a tutoring business will reignite your teaching flame, but it will also put money back in your pocket using skills you already have as a teacher.  You won’t have to learn any new skills or try to sell products on Instagram or Etsy (unless you want to!)  One of the best parts of tutoring is you can use your tutoring niche to teach your favorite subject and align what you’re already doing in the classroom with your tutoring business.  Need help figuring out your tutoring niche?  Read this blog post!

Creating teaching resources that sell will be the best thing you can do to make daily sales

Creating teaching resources that sell is one of the most powerful ways to use your unique teaching gifts to make passive income.  Once you learn how to sell your teaching resources online, you’ll unlock the power of passive income and grow your business quicker.  What would it feel like to be on vacation with your family and make $600 in one day?  Would you go on more trips and enjoy your free time more?  I think so!  Daily sales are possible for you if you put the effort into creating resources and blogging about them!  

Combine your tutoring business with your TPT store

Combine your tutoring business with your TPT store

Combine your tutoring business with your TPT store and you’ll love the results

Many tutors overthink creating resources for their TPT store.  Maybe they’ve created an entire unit for a tutoring client and it never occurred to them they could see that unit lesson by lesson and as a bundle on TPT.  Once you start combining your tutoring business with your TPT store, you’ll love the results.  Just take it from one of my students, Jenna, in From Zero To Cha-Ching:

“I published my first few resources. I had so many questions answered. I'm set up for success to go and create more things the RIGHT way!”

Creating an online course allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level

Connect with your audience on a deeper level

Creating an online course allows you to connect with your audience on a deeper level

Stop overthinking every little thing in your business and build a sturdy foundation so you can create a bigger impact and income.  Think of all the teachers you could serve with your TPT store or all the kids you could help tutoring online.  Now, think big picture of combining the two and sell the resources you use to tutor online with tutoring a pod.  As your business grows, you’ll become more confident and I’d like to see you eventually have your own online course.  Let me break down what that might look like for you: tutor kids online on how to master math facts, create math facts worksheets and digital resources, then create an online course for how to master math facts!  You’ll be combining all your unique teaching gifts into multiple streams of income that are all passive once you’ve done the hard part of creating.  

Coaching other teachers in your niche brings in extra income while helping teachers at the same time

Coaching other teachers in your niche brings in extra income while helping teachers at the same time

Coaching other teachers in your niche brings in extra income while helping teachers at the same time

Have you ever thought about coaching other teachers in your niche?  Not only could you bring in extra money, you’d be helping teachers at the same time.  You are the only you there is and you have a unique teaching gift you could be sharing with the world.  What are you waiting for?

Build your dream tutoring business in 10 hours a week!

What’s holding you back from making more money as a teacher?  Tell me in the comments!

Want results like mine? Check out my FREE masterclass where I’ll teach you the secrets to growing an online tutoring business in less than 10 hours a week!