Tips for Effectively Scheduling Math Daily 3 Stations for a Smoother Math Block

What?! Math time is nearly over? You’ve set up engaging math stations, but time keeps slipping away, transitions take too long, and students struggle to stay on task. Before you know it, math time is over, and you’re left feeling frustrated. Don’t give up just yet! With the right timing, transition strategies, and planning tools, you can create a predictable Math Daily 3 routine that maximizes learning and minimizes stress

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Simplify your Math Block with Engaging Math Daily 3 Centers

Daily 5 centers had transformed my literacy block. It changed the way my students worked—keeping them engaged, on task, and learning. So, I decided to bring that same structure to my math block with Math Daily 3 centers. This simple system changed everything! My students practiced, explored, and collaborated, while I was able to support them without the chaos. If you’re ready to revolutionize your math block, let me show you how Math Daily 3 centers can work for you.

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Women’s History Month Activities for Kids: Integrating Social Studies Standards into Literacy Centers

I’m a complete nerd for thematic units. Thematic units are my all-time favorite hack for boosting student engagement, which is why I always look forward to Celebrating Women's History Month. It’s the perfect opportunity to introduce students to brave, trailblazing women who changed history - the perfect way to peak engagement during a time of year when student productivity seems to be at an all-time low. And here’s the best part, this is all possible without adding more to your plate

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Thematic Book Club Ideas for Kids: Engaging and Educational Planning Tips

Being the amazing educator you are, you can fully appreciate the power of working with students in small groups.  They provide time for targeted instruction, provide an opportunity for you to get to build strong relationships with students, all while fostering a love/appreciation for reading.   But, all this only happens if you are strategic about how you plan your book clubs. Using a thematic approach to book clubs helps students connect with content on a deeper level. When exploring book club ideas for kids, selecting texts that offer diverse perspectives on the topics they’re learning about can boost engagement and strengthen comprehension skills. And yes—this works even for our youngest learners!

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Tips for Adding New Students to Literacy Center Stations

New student starting TOMORROW. Cue the feelings of panic, overwhelm, and excitement. When a new student joins your class mid-year, it can feel like someone tossing a pebble into a perfectly calm pond.  Because there’s just so much to do! Yes, it can feel overwhelming But here’s the thing, it’s about making sure that new students feel like they belong from the moment they walk in. With a few thoughtful strategies, you can be ready for that moment before it even happens. Pre-planning new student activities for your classroom and literacy centers helps streamline this process and ensures that everyone feels prepared and included. So, let’s talk about how to make that happen.

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Black History Month Activities for Literacy Centers

Yes, February is the shortest month of the year, but it’s BURSTING with holidays! Groundhogs Day. Valentine’s Day. President’s Day. Just to name a few… These holidays bring opportunities to reignite excitement and engagement in your literacy centers! Incorporating Black History Month activities into your literacy blocks isn’t just about covering your literacy standards—it’s about celebration and reflection. It’s a chance to honor the voices, contributions, and resilience of Black individuals who have shaped our nation’s history. So, how can we make this meaningful and engaging for our students?

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Mid-Year Classroom Reset: How to Improve Your Daily 5 Centers

Let’s face it… teaching isn’t a “set it and forget it” type of job. Systems that worked beautifully in September might not hold up as your students’ needs evolve.  And with so much of the year still ahead, it’s worth checking in and reflecting to ensure routines and expectations you set aren’t just surviving - but thriving.  “Something needs to change…but where do I START?” It starts with REFLECTION.  Reflecting on current Daily 5 expectations, systems, and routines can uncover valuable insight into what’s working and what needs addressing in your mid-year classroom reset.

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Ignite Creativity with Winter-Themed Writing Activities

There is something magical about the winter months. The frosted, snow-covered landscape, the excitement and magic that its holidays bring.  But these months can also be so frustrating.   At this point of the year, our students’ focus starts to dwindle, and the motivation they once had is minimal, all of which can make for a frustrating experience…The answer? Winter-themed writing activities!

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How to Improve Reading Stamina in the New Year

A room of students actively independently reading, isn’t THAT every teacher’s dream? Just picture it - all of your students are focused and productive, and you can meet with Book Club groups uninterrupted. Giving students time to independently read - no matter the age of students - is met with mixed emotions.  Some teachers love it, and for some teachers, managing it is extremely overwhelming. Improving reading stamina isn’t just about improving focus and productivity (and saving your sanity). Building and improving reading stamina is a tool to unlock deeper comprehension and build confidence in applying literacy skills they’ve learned.

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Ideas to Make Morning Meeting Work for Upper Elementary

“Morning Meeting” usually sparks two images: students stilling on the floor singing a cute welcome song, and the day’s calendar and weather review.  These are both great activities for Morning Meeting, BUT they don’t really have an upper elementary vibe. If I asked my 5th graders to come to sit on the carpet to sing our “good morning song”, I’m pretty sure I’d lose them. To make Morning Meetings work in upper elementary classrooms, we need to tweak activities and add meaningful, engaging tasks that suit their developmental needs. Discover practical tips and ideas in the full blog—read now!

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