Teach Summer School or Tutor: Which Pays More?

Does it pay more to teach summer school or tutor?

Does it pay more to teach summer school or tutor?

When I first started teaching, I didn’t understand how teachers could say no to summer school. The money seemed so good! Four years into teaching summer school, I realized why other teachers were saying no. Your summer is taken up, the pay isn’t great and you just need a break! When I started tutoring, I realized I could have control over my schedule and my income. Keep on reading because I’m going to break down which one pays more: teaching summer school or tutoring!

Work less hours and make more money tutoring

Work less hours and make more money tutoring

Once you do the math, you’ll quickly realize you can work less hours tutoring than teaching summer school

Not all school districts pay the same for summer school.  My district has held steady at $27.00 per hour.  Once I started making a lot more than that per hour during the regular school year, I quickly realized that I could work way less hours tutoring and make the same amount of money teaching summer school.  Autonomy over my schedule was the driving force and realizing I could charge what I was truly worth as a highly qualified teacher.  If you’re wondering how much money you can make tutoring, use my free Tutoring Income Calculator to see how quickly you can reach your income goals.

Tutoring allows you to work 1-1 with students and pays amazing

Tutoring allows you to work 1-1 with students and pays amazing

Tutoring allows you to teach 1-1 with great pay and hours

One of the most appealing parts of starting your own online tutoring business is getting to teach students 1-1 coupled with great pay and great hours.  So often in the classroom we wish we could work with students 1-1 but the chances of that happening are slim to none.  Tutoring allows you to create your own hours and make the money you deserve.  If you’d like to see how I built my dream tutoring business working less than 10 hours a week, you can watch my free masterclass here

Use a tutoring income calculator to find your income goals

Use a tutoring income calculator to find your income goals

A question I get asked a lot is “How much should I charge for tutoring?”  That’s why I created the Tutoring Income Calculator so you can reverse engineer your tutoring schedule to not only meet your needs but also reach your monthly income goals.  If you know you want to make $1,000 extra each month tutoring, then figure out what you need to charge to get to that goal.  That will also tell you how many kids you need to work with.  If that math sounds terrible to do, then use my calculator!

It’s okay to say no to summer school and yes to tutoring

It’s okay to say no to summer school and yes to tutoring

It’s okay to say no to summer school and yes to tutoring

Once you figure out you can make the same amount of money or MORE tutoring over the summer, you’ll never look back.  You’ll get time and sanity granted back to you, which is priceless.  If you’re really serious about starting tutoring, click here to watch my free masterclass where I’ll show you exactly how I work 10 hours a week tutoring and reach my income goals every month!

Build your dream tutoring business in 10 hours a week

Build your dream tutoring business in 10 hours a week

Tell me in the comments below: will you tutor this summer OR teach summer school?