How A Teachers Pay Teachers Product Helped Me Win A Bird Watching Trip

How TPT helped me win a trip

How TPT helped me win a trip

A few years ago my dad encouraged me to set up a bird feeder outside the window of my then kindergarten classroom.  The window was ideal because it was at ground level and was easy to open.  I agreed and he made a bird feeder for me with a platform that would be easy to feed the birds as well as observe them.  I quickly learned my kindergartners were crazy about bird watching!  Oftentimes they would interrupt me during a lesson to shout out they had seen a bird.  I never minded the interruptions because I was so happy my students were learning about nature and enthusiastic about becoming birders.  

My students loved this bird feeder

My students loved this bird feeder

As the months went on, I started creating activities for my students to learn about bird watching hands on.  I found that with each activity I made, the more and more engaged they were.  Parents started sending me messages about the bird watching lessons and bird feeder and stating their student was coming home everyday so excited to tell them all about the birds they watched that day.

One day, our media specialist was coteaching with me and we started talking about how much my students loved bird lessons.  “You know…” he said, “You should enter to win a trip to study birds in Hogg Island, Maine.  I went last year and it was amazing.  I bet you could win if you showed them the lessons you’ve created.”

Of course that peaked my interest.  So, I bet you’re guessing just how a Teachers Pay Teachers product actually helped me win a birding trip to Maine.  Keep on reading friends.

A passion for science started my TPT business

A passion for science started my TPT business

It all started with a passion for science, creating a TPT product and getting it noticed

If you would have asked me a few years ago if I thought a TPT product would help me win a trip, I wouldn't have believed you.  I always thought I wasn’t creative enough to make products for TPT and I could just buy them myself instead.  I couldn’t find anything exactly like what I wanted for my kindergarten class on birds, so I started creating my own resources.  Slowly but surely the product came together and I thought “Hey!  Maybe I can do this!”  It all started with a passion for teaching science, creating a resource that would actually work for my class and getting it noticed by another teacher.

My students loved the hands-on activities

My students loved the hands-on activities

My students loved the hands-on activities I created so I knew I had something special

I noticed that my students loved the hands-on activities that I was creating for them and each day they were excited to get out their birding journals and see what the birds were up to.  I knew by how my students were reacting and learning, that I had created something special.  From there, I was inspired to write a letter to apply to win the birding trip to Maine.  When I got the phone call that I had been chosen I was overwhelmed with excitement and couldn’t believe that it all started with a Teachers Pay Teachers product that I had created!

It’s proof that taking your teaching passion and lighting a fire with your kids with that same passion can yield massive results

It’s proof that taking your teaching passion and lighting a fire with your kids with that same passion can yield massive results

It’s proof that taking your teaching passion and lighting a fire with your kids with that same passion can yield massive results

If I can do it, so can you.  It’s proof that taking your teaching passion and lighting a fire with your students can yield massive results.  The best part?  My students get to see me take my passion about nature and turn it into an experience of a lifetime.  I’ll also get to come back and teach them all the things I learned.  I’m going to the Field Ornithology camp and get to experience nature like I never have before.

You can turn your teaching passion into a profitable business

You can turn your teaching passion into a profitable business

You can turn your teaching passion into a profitable business

I truly believe that you can turn your teaching passion into a profitable business.  When I created this bird watching unit, I never would have guessed that I’d be running a multiple streams of income teacher business all while teaching full-time.  I’m so passionate about eating resources that sell, I created my own course to make creating resources accessible to all teachers for a low price. You can learn more about From Zero To Cha-Ching here!

Start making your own resources using systems and processes you’re already using in your classroom

Start making your own resources using systems and processes you’re already using in your classroom

Start making your own resources using systems and processes you’re already using in your classroom

You’re likely overthinking products you could be making.  Start by making a list of all the systems and processes that you currently use in your classroom.  Turn the list into different themes and you’ll start noticing trends.  You’re leaving money on the table by not creating your own teaching resources and selling them!  Passive income is a teacher’s best friend and you can use skills you already have.  In the course, you’ll learn how to create and sell your teaching resources so you can make money while you sleep.

Make passive income using skills you already have as a teacher

Make passive income using skills you already have as a teacher

So tell me, what resources can you make today?  Let me know in the comments!  Maybe you’ll win a trip because of one of them too!