Conquer Back-to-School with the PERFECT Daily 5 Implementation Plan

Back-to-school season is the most exciting and most daunting time of the year.

On one hand, there’s the excitement of the “new” and the thrill of getting to know a new batch of students who you’ll learn and grow alongside over the next 180 days.  

But in the other, it’s pure chaos and overwhelm.  There’s so much to do…getting your classroom ready, prepping student materials, and all the back-to-school meetings.  You try your best to squeeze in prepping lessons and activities for those first few days but tackling WHAT routines and expectations to teach is just as challenging.

That’s where utilizing the Daily 5 framework can help.  

Because it’s a structured framework for managing your literacy block, it makes conquering back-to-school planning and prepping a breeze.  Here’s how. 

Implementing Daily 5 in the Classroom

The Daily 5 is a way to structure your literacy block to include both reading and writing practice through utilizing 5 components: Read to Self, Work on Writing, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, and Word Work.  The end goal for the teacher is to be able to pull reading groups.

I’m going to be honest, I don’t use all 5 components because of time constraints or the developmental needs of my students (I use at least 4 components), but regardless, this framework still gives me a structure that I can lean into when planning my literacy block - which makes planning at the start of the year so easy.

Not to mention, having reliable, consistent routines at the beginning of the school year allows students to learn and master routines, which means you don’t have to constantly remind them of what to do and when later in the year.

Sounds like a dream classroom, doesn’t it?

Why Daily 5 Instructional Routines Matter for Back-to-School Success 

Daily 5 Structure and Organization Addresses Back-to-School Challenges

One of the biggest challenges I faced as a teacher during those first few days back to school was how unstructured the days felt.  I can feel you cringing already teacher friend…You know the chaos that can quickly ensue when students (of any age) have even the seemingly most minimal amount of unstructured time.  

But what utilizing the Daily 5 framework has done for me is provide structure that I can lean into even before we start to dive into the curriculum.

And, since I know what the structure is, I know ALL the routines and expectations to teach at the beginning of the year surrounding my literacy block.  Yes - I said ALL.  I no longer have those moments later in the year when I finally remember or see the need for a routine I didn’t teach at the start of the year because the consistent structure makes it easy to think of everything from the get-go. 

Daily 5 Classroom Routines Impact Student Achievement 

Students appreciate routine.  

They appreciate knowing what’s coming and when, as well as what my expectation of them is.  

Since the Daily 5 is a structured framework, I’m able to clearly teach routines and expectations at the beginning of the year, fostering a feeling of success in my students right from the get-go.

And the best part - the benefits of spending time teaching routines and expectations at the beginning of the year continues to show up as the year progresses. Because the students know my expectations so well, they are able to develop independence and a sense of ownership in the classroom. 

This pays out dividends by the end of the year by me having time for small groups, working one-on-one, or any other differentiated framework that supports the literacy growth of my students.

Teacher Benefits

While I could go on and on about the benefits that the Daily 5 has on student achievement, I also have to point out that there are also benefits for YOU too, dear teacher friend. 

The Daily 5 makes planning during back-to-school season a BREEZE.

Knowing what routines and expectations you need to teach during those first few days back takes a huge load off your shoulders. No longer are you spending hours re-teaching because you missed an important step when teaching/explaining a routine during yesterday’s lesson

And, down the road, this structure will reward you with its time-saving properties.  You’ll find that planning your literacy block will be a breeze with the “rinse and repeat” systems you created at the start of the year.

Implementing the Perfect Daily 5 Plan

This is all really exciting, isn’t it? 

And you can get started implementing the Daily 5 in your classroom by assessing your current reality by asking yourself these questions:

  • How much time do I have?

  • What are the developmental needs of my students? 

  • What resources do I need to get started? 

  • Are there things in my current curriculum that will fill one of the components?

To help you on your Daily 5 implementation journey, I’m hosting a 1 hour workshop where I’ll walk you step-by-step through everything you need to kickstart the year off right!

🍎 Click here if you are K-2 teacher.

🍏 Click here if you are a 3-5 teacher.

More on how to Start Daily 5

If you want to get started now, head on over to my YouTube channel where I share tips and tricks for everything Daily 5 related.