Parent Intake Survey for Tutoring
When I first started teaching I ALWAYS taught summer school. I liked the extra money and getting to know the incoming kindergartners. Four years in, I realized by teaching summer school, I was down to only a month of summer vacation left.
You might be thinking a month is a really long time, but man does it go by quickly!
Two years ago when I switched schools, I decided to no longer teach summer school. I welcomed the longer break and I can honestly say that I will never go back to teaching summer school. Even when a co-worker begs me to take the second half of their summer school class.
My first few years of teaching, I busted my butt to get the point on the pay scale where I was maxed out on grad credit; that’s how I justify not teaching summer school any longer.
My career fit into 32 boxes!
All that to say, I still like extra money in the summer! Who doesn’t?!??
That’s where tutoring (consulting) comes in!
Teachers: you are a wealth of knowledge and parents will pay you for your guidance! How many times have we heard parents say “Man, I wish my kid would do that for me!” The truth is, it’s easier to throw a fit for mom or dad when working on school work. It’s much more embarrassing to throw a fit in front of a teacher.
I’m most passionate about teaching reading and writing, so that’s the area I focus.
With COVID-19 going on at the moment, in person consulting or tutoring might not be an option. You can totally work with kids on Zoom!
In case you missed it, I made a video ALL about teaching reading on Zoom. You can click here to watch!
Since I started tutoring on Zoom, I’ve created many tutoring ideas and activities for elementary reading! It’s crazy how creative you can get tutoring online.
If you don’t have any clients yet, I recommend reaching out to a former student’s parent and asking if they need any help academically. Next, offer your service free of charge to get your feet wet. This will help create word of mouth marketing for tutoring business!
You can explain to the parent that you are looking for experience and would love to help their kiddo out this summer. At the end of the summer, ask the parent to write you a testimonial. The more kind words you have documented of the work you do, the better your business will do.
Teachers love collecting data and you definitely should for consulting/tutoring as well.
Good news, I’ve got you covered for a template! CLICK HERE to get the questions I use in my survey!
Feel free to use similar questions or change it up. If a parent wants some at home tips for teaching reading, I’ve got you covered - CLICK HERE.
Let me know how the survey works for you! If you’d like any help writing survey questions or advice on tutoring, email me at
Good luck! You’ve got this!