Upper and Lowercase Letter Alphabet Matching Game


Did you sing that in your head as you read the beginning of the alphabet?

If you did, it’s not surprising! We learn the alphabet in early childhood and take it for granted as adults.

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As a kindergarten teacher, one of the basic skills I teach my students is letter identifcation: more commonly known as THE ALPHABET!

Kindergartners can’t move on to making letter sounds until they know all the letter names first.

Once they master letter ID and letter sounds, then kids move on to reading words.

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Parents will often ask me where to start on their child’s reading journey.

I always start with a letter ID assessment. If you don’t have this at home because you’re not a teacher, have no fear - use these upper and lower case letter alphabet matching flash cards to check which letters your kid knows.

If they aren’t naming all the letters yet, then we know where to start!

Mic drop.

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Why teach the alphabet first?

For starters, it alphabet knowledge is a strong predictor of reading success in the future.

Letter identification lends it’s hand to learning letter sounds which I mentioned was the next step in learning how to read.

These are building blocks for building reading confidence.

And who doesn’t want a confident kid?!?

If you are looking for fun ways to practice the alphabet at home or in your literacy centers, I’ve got you covered with a fun game using zoo animals, upper and lower case letters and matching! Click HERE to get them now!


Let me know how the matching cards work by commenting below!


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