9 Things Happened When I Moved Schools


When I started teaching, I was a bit naive. I thought I’d stay at the same school...forever.

The students were amazing and I had a few friends I worked with.  Life seemed grand. Without going into all the details, we all know things can change over the course of a few years.

I made the decision to move schools.  It was the toughest decision of my career. I was moving to a new school with ZERO friends and ZERO people I actually knew.


Now that I have two years under my belt at my new school, I can say I’ve learned a lot and come a long way.

1. I can adapt anywhere.

This was HUGE for me.  I learned that I can teach anywhere.  Truly.  If you love what you do and take pride in it, the setting is just part of the picture.  I made friends with a girl on my team and others in the building.  

2. Supportive administration is EVERYTHING.

I went from a school with hardly any behavior problems to a Title One building.  My principal and assistant principal are the epitome of having your back.  I really feel like I have two awesome sisters to lean on.  

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3. My classroom management game was on point.

Luckily, I student taught with an amazing woman who had a Title One background.  The thing I was most scared of when moving to a title building was the behavior problems.  I quickly learned I had the chops to thrive thanks to my buddy who trained me well.  My personal opinion, if you’ve never taught in a title building...YOU NEED TO.  It’s a great experience and teaches you what it’s like to teach in ANY situation.  Read about how I structure my own classroom and keep it managed here.

4. I didn’t sweat with nerves on the way to school anymore.

 At my last building, my principal was a control-freak nightmare.  I was having anxiety and stress ALL.THE.TIME because of her.  Once I moved schools, I didn’t worry about dealing with a nasty email at the beginning of the day saying “Meet me after school.”  What are  we, playground bullies?


5. I learned I want to be an administrator…(someday)

I never thought I’d walk down the path of becoming a principal.  My dad (a retired teacher) and my sweet hubby would always tell me I should consider that an option.  I have always been a leader and seeing how my new bosses ran a school, gave me hope that it could be done the right way and I could really impact change.  

6. I upped my wife game.

Once I moved schools, my stress changed from administrator issues to just dealing with kids with behavior problems.  I am able to be more connected now that my stress is down.  My husband has a stressful job so it’s nice to be the one to calm the day’s storm.


7. I started a business.

Something about a big life change lit a fire inside of me and I wanted to help fellow teachers in so many ways.  I began creating resources, tutoring kids, and consulting parents.  I feel unstoppable most days and I know it’s because I experienced a HUGE life change when I moved schools and had to live in the suck for a while.  Becoming my own boss has increased my confidence as a teacher.

8. I started reading self-help books that changed my life.

I’ve always been a life-long learner.  Heck, you don’t get 2 masters degrees and countless certifications if you don’t love learning. If you’re looking for a book to light your fire, I recommend Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.  

9. I reconnected with nature and listen to podcasts that feed my soul.

The old me would have never left school on my plan period to talk a walk and listen to a podcast.  “Too much to get done!” I’d say.  Now, if I need a break, I take it.  I head out the door and walk for 30 minutes or so and listen to a teacherpreneur or entrepreneur.  Sometimes I even do mindfulness. 

Teacher friends: can you relate to any of the things that happened to me when I moved schools? I’d love to know which one(s) resonated with you.

CLICK HERE to follow my journey from teaching to teacherpreneur. I love making new friends!

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